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  • Writer's pictureSarah McQuade

11th cohort of the ICECP graduate in Lausanne

The 11th cohort of the ICECP, the USOC and University of Delaware's Olympic Solidarity funded program have recently graduated at the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) HQ in Lausanne, Switzerland. Congratulations to all!

The International Coaching Enrichment Certificate Program ICECP adopts a blended approach to the delivery combining on-line learning, with an intensive in-person course and a work-based apprenticeship. Perhaps the most unique feature of the course is the work-based project which challenges coaches to transition learning into their own coaching environments.

As a tutor and mentor on the program I have been delighted to support my team of coaches. From left to right, Katea from the Solomon Islands, Nair from Pakistan, Khushi from Bangladesh and Andrew from Guyana all undertook coach and athlete development programs within their respective countries. I have been humbled by their efforts and achievements and proud to call these coaches my friends.

Thank you again to the ICECP family for all their efforts with this program.

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